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Pisces Conservation: News archive - 2002 - 2013

July 2013
Account of the Crustacea of Norway, Vol. VI - Copepoda (Cyclopoida), by G.O. Sars, published as an e-book.

March 2013
Account of the Crustacea of Norway, Vol. VIII - Monstrilloida & Notodelphyoida, by G.O. Sars, published as an e-book.

September 2012
Fish of the Amazon and Their Habitats published. This is a complete revision of our old title, 'Amazonian Fishes and Their Habitats', containing a host of new photographs, and videos, from the Mamiraua reserve in Brazil, the Pacaya-Samiria reserve in Peru, and from other areas of Amazonia. As well as all this, we have updated many of the species descriptions and taxonomy, in line with recent scientific research.

October 10th 2011
Account of the Crustacea of Norway, Vol. VII - Copepoda (Supplemental), by G.O. Sars, published as an e-book.

July 21st 2009
A major change to our online shop - all of our software titles are now available by Digital Download, so if you're in a hurry to start analysing your data, you can download the installation files as soon as you've paid online. Save money on postage too!
Read more on our shop site.

June 26th 2009
Version 2 of Simply Tagging released.

June 8th 2009
A Practical Handbook of British Beetles, by Norman H. Joy, published as an e-book.

September 8th 2008
Account of the Crustacea of Norway, Vol. V, Copepoda: Harpacticoida, by G.O. Sars, published as an e-book.

May 12th 2008
The Genitalia of the Noctuidae, by F.N. Pierce, published as an e-book.

April 30th 2008
A Practical Handbook for Multivariate Methods, by Peter Henderson & Richard Seaby, published.

March 4th 2008
British Pyralid & Plume Moths, by Bryan P. Beirne, published as an e-book.

November - December 2007
Updates to Community Analysis Package, Ecom, QED Statistics and Removal Sampling, including Windows Vista compatibility, released.

October 2007
Complete on-line Help system for Ecom added to website

September 17th, 2007
Version 4.1.2 of Species Diversity & Richness, to ensure Windows Vista compatibility, released.

July 30th, 2007
A Handbook of the British Seaweeds, by Lily Newton, published as an e-book.

June 26th, 2007
Community Analysis Package, version 4, launched.

May 4th, 2007
Account of the Crustacea of Norway, Vol. 3 - Cumacea, by G.O. Sars, published as an e-book.

The River - a Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS, by Edward Hooper, published as an e-book.

May 9th, 2007
We have increased our prices by roughly 5% across the whole range of our software, e-books and multimedia CDs. This is our first price increase since April 2006.

May 4th, 2007
The Genitalia of the Pyrales, Deltoids & Plumes, by Pierce and Metcalfe, published as an e-book.

Easter 2007
QED Statistics, an easy-to-use yet powerful stats package for students, post-grads and researchers, launched.

April 5th 2007
Macromedia Flash demo of Community Analysis Package launched.

February 19th 2007
Account of the Crustacea of Norway, Vol. II: Isopoda, by G.O. Sars, published as an e-book.

January 29th 2007
Biology of Intertidal Animals, by Richard C. Newell, published as an e-book.

December 13th, 2006
The effect of fully and partially protected marine reserves on coral reef fish populations in Zanzibar, Tanzania, by Elizabeth Tyler, published as an e-book in our Thesis series.

December 13th, 2006
British Marine Amphipoda: Gammaridea, by Roger J. Lincoln, published as an e-book.

December 1st, 2006
PowerPoint lectures An Introduction to Growth Curves released.

November 29th, 2006
Removal Sampling 2, an upgrade to Removal Sampling, including upgraded graphics and a completely revised Help system, released.

November 6th, 2006
Growth II, a major upgrade to Simply Growth, including Seasonally-adjusted von Bertalanffy and many other new growth equations.

October 19th, 2006
Sars's "Account of the Crustacea of Norway", Vol. IV - Copepoda (Calanoida), published as an e-book.

August 15th, 2006
"The Genitalia of the Tortricidae", by Pierce & Metcalfe, published as an e-book.

August 4th, 2006
Pisces Conservation's on-line shop launched

July 18th, 2006
"Marine Plankton - A Practical Guide", 2006 facsimile print edition by G.E. & R.C. Newell, published.

May 31st, 2006
"Marine Plankton - A Practical Guide", by G.E. & R.C. Newell, published as an e-book.

May 15th, 2006
"The Genitalia of the Rhopalocera (Butterflies) and larger British Moths", by F.N. Pierce & Bryan P. Beirne, published as an e-book.

April 4th, 2006
We have increased our prices by roughly 5% across the whole range of our software, e-books and multimedia CDs.
This is our first price increase since April 2004.

March 29th, 2006
"The Genitalia of the Geometridae", by F.N. Pierce, published as an e-book.

February 14th, 2006
Version 4 of Species Diversity and Richness released.
PowerPoint lectures An Introduction to Species Diversity and Richness released.
Norman Tebble's "British Bivalve Seashells", published as an e-book.

January 16th, 2006
Sars's "Account of the Crustacea of Norway", Vol. I - Amphipoda, published as an e-book.

November 18th, 2005
Buckler's "Larvae of the British Butterflies & Moths", Vols. VII - VIII, and Vol. IX published as e-books.

October 17th, 2005
Gurney's British Fresh-water Copepoda, Vols. I - III published as an e-book.

October 12th, 2005
Southwood & Leston's Land and Water Bugs of the British Isles published as a facsimile print edition.

September 30th, 2005
Lecture Resource An Introduction to Multivariate Statistics released.

June 15th, 2005
G.O. Sars's Crustacea of Norway, Vol. IX: Ostracoda released as e-book.

May 10th, 2005
Buckler's "Larvae", Vols 4 to 6 (The Noctuae) released as e-book.

April 25th, 2005
R. Ruggles Gates's "A Botanist in the Amazon Valley" released as e-book.

April 11th, 2005
Fuzzy Grouping v. 2.0 released.

April 8th, 2005
N.J. Berrill's "The Tunicata", and Wallace's "The Malay Archipelago", released as e-books.

February 7th, 2005
Spruce's "Notes of a Botanist on the Amazon and Andes", released as e-book.

Wallace's "Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro", released as e-book.

January 6th, 2005
Buckler's "Larvae", Vols 2 & 3 released as e-book.

November 11th 2004
Collected Essays of J. Henri Fabre, Vol. 1 released as e-book.

November 10th 2004 - "Looking Back for the Future"
Proceedings of the Linnean Society's two-day symposium on the use of long-term data sets, released on CD.

November 1st 2004 - Ecom II launched
Version 2.0 of Ecom launched.

November 1st 2004 - New ecology lecture launched
No. 3 in the series, The Galapagos Islands from an Ecological Perspective.

November 1st 2004 - New e-book released
W.S. Bristowe's The Comity of Spiders launched as an e-book.

October 13th 2004 - Ecology Lecture Series
No. 2 in the series - The Ecology of Freshwaters launched.

July 15th 2004
2 new e-books released, "Mantidae" by Dr Ermanno Giglio-Tos,
and "British Spiders", Vols 1-3, by Locket, Millidge & Merrett.

June 2004
A major improvement to Community Analysis Package, version 3.0, has been released.

May 7th 2004
www.pisces-conservation.com has been completely updated; we hope you will appreciate the improvement.

April 14th 2004
As of today, we have altered our software prices. A cost-of-living scale increase has been applied to most of our regular packages, e-books, software bundles, and multi-user licences. In contrast, we have reduced the prices of Fuzzy Grouping and Simply Probits, to fit them in to a simplified pricing structure. This is the first time we have increased our prices in over 5 years - we feel sure our customers will understand.

'The Natural History of Selborne', by Gilbert White
released as e-book, April 5th 2004

'Brambles of the British Isles', by Edees & Newton
released as e-book, February 25th 2004

'British Tortricoid Moths', Vols I & II, by Bradley, Tremewan and Smith
released as e-book, February 10th 2004

Seashore Ecology
No. 1 in the Ecology Lecture Resource series launched January 16th 2004

'British Sea Anemones', by T.A. Stephenson
released as e-book, November 4th 2003

'British Mysidacea', by Tattersall & Tattersall
released as e-book, September 8th 2003

'British Naked-eyed Medusae', by Edward Forbes
released as e-book, September 8th 2003

'Larvae of the British Butterflies & Moths - Vol. 1', by William Buckler
released as e-book, May 21st 2003

'Centipedes of the British Isles', by E.H. Eason
released as e-book, April 4th 2003

'On the Origin of Species' and 'The Descent of Man', by Charles Darwin
released as e-book, March 7th 2003

'Insectivorous Plants', by Charles Darwin
released as e-book, February 21st 2003

FREE Demo version of Axis released, February 4th 2003

'British Water Beetles', by Prof. Frank Balfour-Browne
released as e-book, January 24th 2003

Species Diversity & Richness: Version 3.0 released November 27th 2002

Library Manager: The NEW specialist library system for environmental and conservation organisations. Launched October 5th 2002

The Naturalist on the River Amazons, by Henry Walter Bates; the fascinating account of Bates' years in the Amazonian basin, now available on CD-ROM. Launched September 10th 2002

Axis, a new program for the analysis of circular data launched, August 30th 2002

P.A. Henderson's "Freshwater Ostracods" released on CD - only £20

Version 2 of Community Analysis Package launched, May 14th 2002

New program released May 2002:
Fuzzy Grouping
Fuzzy clustering methods for handling imprecise data; use Fuzzy Ordination and Fuzzy C-means to determine likelihood of group membership.

March 7th 2002: We have launched www.pisces-conservation.com
- all the information about our software and technical support is now on this site.
We hope you like the new layout!

Southwood & Leston's "Land and Water Bugs of the British Isles" - released on CD, January 2002