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British Tortricoid Moths, Vols I & II
Bradley, Tremewan & Smith
ISBN-13 978-1-904690-12-2

Price: CD-ROM: £49.00 + VAT/postage
           Download: £28.80 VAT-free

These two volumes were published by the Ray Society in 1973 and 1979, with over 100 text-figures and 90 superbly-executed colour and monochrome plates illustrating the species, their foodplants and their larval spinnings. While copies of Volume I are still reasonably common, Volume II is extremely scarce, and hence widely sought-after.

Pisces Conservation have worked on the books with the kind permission of the Ray Society. We are delighted to release the two volumes of "British Tortricoid Moths" on one CD, for Windows PCs and Macs, with fully searchable text and hyperlinks for ease of navigation.

The quality of reproduction of illustrations and text is excellent.

The books are in Adobe Acrobat pdf format, allowing high-quality printing of the text and plates.

In addition, the plates are available separately as high-resolution images. To view a sample plate, click here. (Note: this is a 150dpi image, approximately 992 KB, which may take some time to download on a slow web connection. Some browsers may initially show this image shrunk to fit the browser window).

Buckler's "Larvae of the British Butterflies & Moths": Vol. 1   2 & 3  4 - 6  7 & 8  9
The Genitalia of the Geometridae - F.N. Pierce
The Genitalia of the Rhopalocera and larger British Moths - Pierce & Beirne
The Genitalia of the Tortricidae - Pierce & Metcalfe
The Genitalia of the Pyrales, Deltoids & Plumes - Pierce & Metcalfe
The Genitalia of the Noctuidae - Pierce
British Pyralid and Plume Moths - Beirne

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