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A Practical Handbook of British Beetles, Vols I & II
Norman H. Joy (1932)
ISBN-13 978-1-904690-55-9

Price: CD-ROM: £49.00 + VAT/postage
           Download: £28.80 VAT-free

Norman Joy's 2-volume work was first published by H. F. & G. Witherby in January 1932, and remains a standard work on the identification of British beetles into the 21st century, despite being long out of print.

Pisces Conservation are pleased to re-issue both volumes (text and plates) in electronic form - now available on a single CD, for Windows PCs and Macs, with fully searchable text and hyperlinks for ease of navigation.

The quality of reproduction of illustrations and text is excellent.

The books are in Adobe Acrobat pdf format, allowing high-quality printing of the text and plates.

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