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Collected Essays of J. Henri Fabre
(1912 - 1916)
ISBN-13 978-1-904690-21-4

Price: CD-ROM: £18.00 + VAT/postage
           Download: £10.80 VAT-free

The Life of the Caterpillar
The Life of the Spider
The Life of the Fly
Bramble Bees and others
The Mason Bees

Fabre's 5 volumes were translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos, Fellow of the Zoological Society of London, and originally published by Hodder and Stoughton between 1912 and 1916. They represent a considerable body of research and many years of observation, and as such are invaluable to anyone with an interest in the subjects.

We have published all 5 under the title "Collected Essays, Volume 1", which is now available on CD, for Windows PCs and Macs, with fully searchable text and hyperlinks for ease of navigation.

The quality of reproduction of illustrations and text is excellent.

The book is in Adobe Acrobat pdf format, allowing high-quality printing of the text and images.

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