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British Bivalve Seashells
Norman Tebble (1966)
ISBN-13 978-1-904690-37-5

Price: CD-ROM: £18.00 + VAT/postage
           Download: £10.80 VAT-free

An outstanding guide to the British bivalve molluscs is now for sale as an e-book. Described as "an invaluable work" by Dr. Roger Bamber of the Natural History Museum, we are delighted to make this book available as a modern, convenient e-book.

British Bivalve Seashells, first published in 1966, provides an excellent introduction for the beginner, and a valuable reference work for experienced amateurs and professionals. The clear and practical nature of the text and keys, and the quality of the illustrations, make this work invaluable for anyone wishing to study bivalves. Norman Tebble's book contains 12 colour plates, with numerous text figures.

Pisces Conservation are delighted to release "British Bivalve Seashells" on CD, with the kind permission of the Natural History Museum, London. The CD is for Windows PCs and Macs, with fully searchable text and hyperlinks for ease of navigation.

As with all our e-books, the quality of reproduction of illustrations and text is excellent.

The books are in Adobe Acrobat pdf format, allowing high-quality printing of the text and plates.

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