Simply Tagging
Latest version 2.0.1
Price: £74.00 + VAT
Suitable for undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers,
Simply Tagging is a Windows program to estimate population size for both closed and open populations using mark-recapture methods. It also allows students to simulate data and explore the accuracy and reliability of mark-recapture.
- Data can be entered as individual animal capture histories or as summary tables.
- Ability to subset data by sex or age.
- Undertakes full Jolly-Seber or constant survival and probability of capture model.
- Wide range of methods available for closed populations
- Data simulation options to model mark-recapture experiments for open and closed populations.
Version 2 of Simply Tagging has a range of improvements over the previous version, including:
- Compatible with Windows Vista, 7 and 8
- Completely revised Help system
- Improvements to memory handling to increase speed of calculations
- Upgrade of charting package
For the full update list, see
Update History/Upgrades
Prices exclude VAT