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British Naked-eyed Medusae
Edward Forbes (1848)
ISBN-13 978-1-904690-08-5

Price: CD-ROM: £18.00 + VAT/postage
           Download: £10.80 (VAT-free)

Published by the Ray Society in 1848, "British Naked-eyed Medusae" covers a group which was little-studied at the time. Much of the nomenclature has since changed, but the species descriptions and the 13 plates of hand-coloured illustrations remain invaluable.

Pisces Conservation are delighted to release "British Naked-eyed Medusae" on CD, for Windows PCs and Macs, with fully searchable text and hyperlinks for ease of navigation.

The quality of reproduction of illustrations and text is excellent. The book is in Adobe Acrobat pdf format, allowing high-quality printing of the text and plates.

In addition, the plates are available separately as high-resolution images. To view a sample plate, click here. (650 kb - some browsers may initially display image shrunk to fit window).

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