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How to buy Pisces software, e-books and multimedia CDs

Pisces software - multi-user licences

Price calculator

Cost of Pisces software
(all software by download; installation CDs also available for some titles)

Price calculator

1 - Order and pay online:

All our software and e-books are
available for immediate download
- save money on postage!

All prices on this site are exclusive of postage / VAT. VAT is charged on sales in the UK and EU members states ONLY. As of 01/05/2020, VAT is no longer charged on downloadable e-books; it is still applied on software, and on physical copies (i.e. CD-ROMs) of e-books.
Please note that VAT, where applicable, is payable on the combined cost of goods and p&p charges; Total cost = (goods + postage) + 20%
EU Member states are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
Rest of World includes USA and Canada

Trade orders:
Software - We offer a 15% discount on software to resellers for single purchases. Greater discount available for multiple orders - please contact us to discuss options.
E-books - We offer 2 levels of trade discount, 15% and 33% - see details here.
2 - Alternatively, choose method of payment, and send us your order:
  • For prices for multiple users and site licences, use the multi-user licence pop-up.
  • Check the price in your own currency here.

All of our software and e-books are available by Digital Download - just visit our online shop! E-books are also available on CD-ROM; these are mailed by first class post (AirMail to overseas destinations), usually on the day the order is received.

For customers who buy offline, we are happy to make setup files available to you by download from our website - please contact us to discuss details.

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