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Growth II (Simply Growth)
Latest version

Price: £100.00 + VAT

Growth II:
Growth II can fit many types of growth curve. With Seasonally-adjusted von Bertalanffy, Weibull, Morgan-Mercer-Flodin (MMF), Janoschek, Gompertz, Logistic and Richards equations, the program allows you to fit 19 different curves with ease. Suitable for undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers, Growth II is a major upgrade of our best selling Simply Growth program and is an easy-to-use Windows program. Easy import and export of data sets, a huge help system, tutorials, great graphics and model-fitting statistics make this the must-have growth curve fitting program.

Growth II is the only dedicated growth curve fitting program
This focused, feature-filled program makes your data work for you. Solving growth equations is difficult, so let Growth II do it for you. No mathematical ability needed!

Examine the data - not the method.
The easy-to-use program offers a comprehensive range of methods that allow you to try new curves fast. Includes von Bertalanffy - both seasonal and non seasonal - Weibull, Morgan-Mercer-Flodin, Janoschek, Gompertz, Logistic and Richards. 19 methods in all!

Is the model the best fit?
The more parameters you add to a model, the better it looks. With 3, 4 and 5 parameter models, Growth II's statistics allow you to know whether the more complex model is a better fit - or just looks better.

Help at your fingertips
The new Help system gives you all the information at your finger tips, and tells you how and why to use growth curves. Worked examples and tutorials help you with a step-by-step guide to fitting the best curve. Explanations of the parameters are given as you use them, so you know what each parameter is when you need it. With our unique equation display feature, you can see exactly what the parameter is and where it is in the equation.

Produce your report graphs - fast
Create high quality, infinitely-customisable graphs quickly, and export them in multiple formats to your reports.

Flexible data structures
Growth II takes a range of data types, including incremental data, classed data and seasonal. The program will open and save .csv and .xls files.

Digital downloadADD-ON: Get the accompanying PowerPoint lectures "An Introduction to Growth Curves" for only £12 + VAT