The Genitalia of the Pyrales, Deltoids & PlumesF.N. Pierce & J.W. Metcalfe (1938)
ISBN-13 978-1-904690-51-3
Price: CD-ROM: £18.00 + VAT/postage
Download: £10.80 VAT-free
As the fifth volume in F.N. Pierce's series on the Genitalia of the British Lepidoptera, "Pyrales, Deltoids and Plumes" was published in 1938. Though they are regarded as invaluable for identifying difficult species, the originals are not easily available, and the reprinted versions were considered inferior in quality.
Pisces Conservation are delighted to have worked with the Lancashire and Cheshire Entomological Society to produce this volume in electronic form. We have very carefully scanned and cleaned the original artwork to recreate the plates from scratch. Furthermore, we have added species concordance for all the species and their synonyms, with Bradley and Karsholt numbers, to assist the modern lepidopterist.
"The Genitalia of the Pyrales, Deltoids and Plumes" is available on CD, for Windows PCs and Macs, with
fully searchable text and hyperlinks for ease of navigation. The quality of reproduction of illustrations and text is excellent. With the addition of modern concordance, as well as high-quality images and the advantages the PDF format allows, we have produced more than a facsimile copy, a genuine improvement which will bring the original work to life for the modern user.
The books are in Adobe Acrobat pdf format, allowing high-quality printing of the text and plates.
In addition, the plates are available separately on the CD as high-resolution images.