Error message saying '' is not a valid floating point value or 'Range Check Error'
This will occur if the raw data holds columns or rows that consist of all 0s. Remove blank columns and rows by using '0 issues' in the working data window. It may also occur if the raw data holds a blank cell. In some cases Ecom will identify the problem cell which should be edited. Normally it is because the data has been prepared in a spreadsheet using blanks to represent zero values.
When a data file is opened, all the data is dumped into the first cell, rather than opening in the grid properly
This is usually because there are one or more blank cells in the second row of data. If the
blanks are replaced by zeros, or another row with no blanks is put in the second position, the problem should disappear. Row 2 is the crucial one; blank cells are tolerated elsewhere.
As yet, we have had no other reported problems with Ecom - Ask PISCES
Here is the update history for Ecom. To upgrade to the latest version, please contact PISCES. The cost of upgrading from Version 1.x to the latest version is £39.00 plus VAT / postage (Buy online NOW, or see How To Buy)
Existing users of Version 2.x can upgrade to the latest version FREE - please contact Pisces.
Version released November 2007
Minor bug fixes
Updated graphics options
Help system revised
Made Windows Vista compatible
Version 2.01 released 1/12/04
Minor bug fix
Version 2.0 released November 2004
Unlimited data set size: New array handling technology has been built into ECOM II to enable data matrices of virtually any size to be handled - limited only by the power of your PC.
Improved graphics: Plotting of graphs has been significantly improved, and plots can now be exported as PDF documents; grids can be exported as HTML tables.
New methods added: Stepwise variable selection and regression.
Problem-solving: Improved testing and detection of multicollinearity
Faster calculation: The speed at which Ecom performs most calculations has been dramatically increased, even for very large data sets.
Help system and manual: Ecom's Help system has been much improved, and the instruction manual completely revised.
Version 1.37 released 20.8.02
Further improvements in the handling of foreign users' regional settings
Version 1.36 released July 2002
Corrected problems encountered due to users' regional settings, particularly using ; or , as data separator in .csv files
Version 1.35 released June 2002
When error is encountered, tabbed pages containing old data are hidden correctly
Version 1.34 released January 2002
Minor maintenance release.
Version 1.33 released 23rd November 2001
Error of inserting all data into first cell of grid corrected
Version 1.32 released 3rd October 2001
Multicollinearity for 2 environmental variables corrected
The program will run with 1 environmental variable
The use of VIF (Variance Inflation Factor) discontinued.
Version 1.3 released 9th March 2001
Randomisation test added
Multicollinearity test added
Multiple regression parameters corrected
Version 1.21 released November 2000
Vector plot centered.
Catches situation with number of environments greater than sites error.
Version 1.2 released November 2000
Environment vectors and centroids added to ordination plot.