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The graphics bar situated above the charts in Removal Sampling 2 allows you to quickly edit many features of your graphs.


graph tool bar

The functions of the individual buttons are as follows.


set square

Opens the main graphics dialog window which allows you to edit every feature of the chart.


print button

Prints the chart see Print Chart for more details.


pie chart icon

Copies the chart to the clipboard. See Copy/Export Chart for information on file formats.



save icon

Saves the chart to a file. See Copy/Export Chart for information on file formats.


font up

Increases the size of the text on the chart.


font down

Decreases the size of the text on the chart.


line thicken

Increases the thickness of the curve predicted by the model.


line thin


Decreases the thickness of the curve predicted by the model.


square increase

Increases the size of the observed data points on the chart.


square decrease

Decreases the size of the observed data points on the chart.



colour on off

Switches between black and white and colour graphics.


grid triangle

Switches grid on and off on the graph.


A and B

Switches the legend on and off.


theme button

Click to select a theme (a style) for your graph.