Selecting Copy|Copy/Export Chart opens the Export dialog.

You can change the colour depth and size of the image if desired. The default file format for the file is a bitmap; select another file format by left clicking on the format of choice in the list.
You can also copy a chart using the Copy button on the graphical menu bar.
File formats
The chart can be saved in a number of different file formats: Bitmap (*.bmp), Metafile (*.emf), PDF (*.pdf), GIF (*.gif), PNG (*.png), PCX, (*.pcx) and JPEG (*.jpg). Each file format has advantages and disadvantages.
• | Bitmaps are a lossless method of saving; the stored file will not lose any of the original's detail. Because of this, bitmaps tend to be much larger than compressed files such as Enhanced Metafiles, GIFs or JPEGs. |
• | The advantage of Enhanced Metafile is that, if pasted into, for instance, a Word document, it can be resized by dragging, without losing resolution. |
• | PDF is an Adobe Acrobat file, which is a useful format to send to other people or for inclusion in a pdf document. |
• | GIFs offer advantages for web use, as they compress the file. |
• | JPEGs are file formats which can be compressed to take up less space - useful if you wish to send one by email, put it on a website, or paste it in to a document. If they are compressed too heavily, they can lose resolution and detail, and spoil colours. |
• | PNG and PCX are graphics file formats in common use. PCX format is one of the most usable graphic formats. Originally it was designed by Zsoft for PC Paintbrush MS-DOS. PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a bitmap image format that employs lossless data compression. PNG was created to both improve upon and replace the GIF format with an image file format that does not require a patent licence to use. |
There are three buttons at the bottom of the screen. Select
Copy to copy to the clipboard
Save to open a save file dialog window and
Send to activate your email system and send the file