PiscesLogoSmallerStill Printing and exporting your results

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The graphs and other results can be printed using the Print option from the File menu. The Print Preview option will show the page layout and allow image size, margins, and paper orientation to be changed. If you have Adobe Acrobat (note, not the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software) installed on your computer, you will be able to convert the chart directly to a .pdf file by selecting Acrobat Distiller or Acrobat PDF Writer from the list of available printers in the Print dialog box.


To copy the results to other applications, such as a spreadsheet or word processing program, use the Copy command from the Edit menu. Then in the other program, choose Paste from the Edit menu. To copy, save or export graphs click on the Edit button above the graph, choose General and click on the Export button.


File formats

The chart can be saved in a number of different file formats: Enhanced Metafile (*.emf), Bitmap (*.bmp), JPEG (*.jpg), or Native (*.tee). Each file format has advantages and disadvantages.


The advantage of Enhanced Metafile is that, if pasted into, for instance, a Word document, it can be resized by dragging, without losing resolution.
Bitmaps are a lossless method of saving; the stored file will not lose any of the original's detail. Because of this, bitmaps tend to be much larger than compressed files such as Enhanced Metafiles or JPEGs.
JPEGs are file formats which can be compressed to take up less space - useful if you wish to send one by email, put it on a website, or paste it in to a document. If they are compressed too heavily, they can lose resolution and detail, and spoil colours.
The Native (*.tee) format saves all the chart attributes, and the data series, rather than the image itself. This means that you can save the chart, and open it again at a later date to edit it, using the free TeeReader software supplied on the installation CD. Tee files tend to be very small indeed; often less than 1KB.





The graph option buttons are described in order from left to right below.

Normal - (Arrow) Use this button to zoom in onto an area of your graph. Move the pointer to a point above and to the left of the area you want to enlarge, hold the left-hand mouse button down and drag down to the right and release the button. To reverse the enlargement, click on the left hand mouse button and move up and to the left.

Edit - (Set square and pencil) This button will offer a wide range of options to change the style of your graph. It is also used to export or copy your graph to file.

Print - Use this button to print the graph

Copy - Use this option to copy the graph to the clipboard.

Save - To save your graph. You can choose from several file types using the drop down list in the Save Dialog.

FontUp1 - Increase the font size of the title and axis.

FontDown1 - Decrease the font size of the title and axis.

LineUp - Increase the plot line size.

LineDown - Decrease the plot line size.



Many output windows offer a graphical display of the data that is accessed via a button at the top left of the window. These graphs can be copied to the clipboard for inclusion into other programs as bitmaps, metafiles or enhanced metafiles (see above). Metafiles are particularly useful if you wish to include a graph in a document created using a word processor such as Word, as they can be resized without loss of resolution.


Some output windows have particular output options that are described under the individual methods below.